
The Benefits of Group Travel

Why You Should Consider Traveling with a Group!

At Luxury Women’s Tours, we want you to have the best travel experience as possible.  Often this occurs in a group with other ladies just like you.  Travelling with other like-minded ladies has a tonne of benefit which really enhance and make the experience even better! 

Lifelong friends with new people.  When you experience something as incredible as one of our vacation trips, those other people on the trip often become lifelong friends.  I know myself, a few years back did an incredible trip in Africa with some amazing ladies.  Two were vet nurses and they had even more information to share about the animals we saw.  We shared drinks at the end of the day, we looked out for each other and often had dinner together.  We got to share some great photos, experiences and it was lovely to have someone who was there to talk about it with later on social media.  In fact, most of us kept in touch many years later.  What is better than having great new experiences?  Having those great travel experiences with fantastic new friends. 

Bonding further with friends or family.  If you’re travelling with existing friends or family members whilst on holidays means you get to catch up with people you may not have seen for a while, or further connect with those you do see often.  Those experiences and memories will connect you even more and deepen those relationships and memories. 

You’re not alone!  Even the most introverted person doesn’t want to be alone all the time.  It’s really awkward when you got into a restaurant or café alone.  Even if you’re a ‘Selfie Queen’ there are just some photos you’d love someone (you trust) to take for you, or take with you.  You don’t have to sit alone and it’s really great to turn to the person next to you and say “hey, wow, look at that!”  In fact, when you travel with a group, you have instant friends – how cool is that!

Reduce your carbon footprint.   When you travel as a group, you’re usually in one van or vehicle; so rather than having 10 cars driving almost to the same place, by sharing a vehicle, it will have less impact on the environment and reduce the overall carbon footprint. 

More opportunities occur.  When you’re in a group, it’s more likely you will do more things than if you’re alone.  When it’s just you, it’s easy to say “Oh, I’ll skip that today” or “Should I bother?” but when you’re in a group, you figure, hey, give it a go with everyone else.  So naturally, you experience more and see more.  Those extra opportunities will also flow onto photos.  When a few people are taking photos, you might not get that perfect shot, but likely someone else will and when the photos are shared in a group chat or on social media, then you’ll see even more than you might not have if you were just travelling or holidaying by yourself. 

Learn new things.   When you’re in a group you get to experience different perspectives.  Others may see a different angle, or even just see something you might have missed otherwise.  My experience in Africa was incredible, because those vet nurses shared their knowledge and experience and the group learnt more and experienced more because of that.  If you’ve a skill (it might be taking photos) you can share your skill or knowledge.  Maybe one of the group has a great fascination with the destination you’re going to and can provide even more information and knowledge that might otherwise have been learnt. 

Food tastes better with friends.  When you’re sharing a meal and some drinks with your fellow travelers, you’re sure to enjoy your meal more.  It’s just all part of the experience.  Sharing some laughs, recounting the day and discussing how exciting you are about tomorrow’s itinerary – it’s all part of the experience.  Plus, if you’re with others, you might even share some plates, so you get to try more of those great authentic cuisines.  

You still usually get some free time too.  Even when travelling in a group and with others, there is often some down time you can have some quiet or alone time, if that is something you want.  Don’t think a group lacks flexibility.  Plus, you can often splinter off into smaller groups as well.  Sometimes too there are optional activities; so, you can opt to not do some things at times; but reality is, you probably will want to do as much as possible and thoroughly make the most of your awesome trip. 

It’s more economical.   When you travel as a group, because of your buying power, and the option to have shared accommodation, you can save some dollars – which in turn you can put towards some awesome shopping or pamper sessions! 

Groups are hassle free.  Usually with a group, you really don’t have to think about anything; you’re just following the group or direction of your team leader and just chill, relax and enjoy the experience.  You don’t have to plan, worry about organising everything; at Luxury Women’s Tours, we are all about making the travel experience as good as possible, as stress free as possible and completely relaxed.  Simply sit back and enjoy.  Deciding if you want another cocktail should be the hardest decision of the day! 

Safety in numbers.  We, of course, are always ensuring our travelers are safe; but hey, we all know that expression ‘safety in numbers’.  You just feel more comfortable, secure and safe when you’re with friends (old or new). 

Expert Guide.  Whether you’re travelling alone or with a group, all our guides are experienced.   We know what the current events are, all about visas, travel documents and insurance, what restrictions may be in place for a specific location, where to eat (or not) and even what medical services are nearby, just in case.  Additionally, if something goes awry, then we’re there to find the best solution as quickly as possible.  We plan our trips exceedingly well, but sometimes things happen – but we’re there to fix things as soon as possible.  We take all the stress and worry out of holiday travel and show you all those special things you won’t want to miss.  

Step outside your comfort zone.  When you’re in a group, you can safely step a little outside your comfort zone, venture further off the beaten path or perhaps try something new or unique that you might not have tried if you were alone.  Different people have different interests and when they share those different interests with you, maybe you’ll actually discover you love doing or seeing that different thing too.  Shared experiences really do enhance the overall experience.  As a group, we’ll help you build wonderful memories that will last a lifetime.  And maybe, you might even build some new friendships that will last a lifetime as well. 

Have a great time. Traveling in a group is more fun. You don’t have to focus as much on safety or getting around, so you can relax and enjoy yourself more fully.  Mind you, at Luxury Women’s Tours, whether you’re in a group or alone, we will always ensure you’re safe! 

At Luxury Women’s Tours, we curated some incredible and wonderful trips.  We select the best accommodation and we ensure that the ‘must do’ activities are included in our itineraries.  We focus on organising everything, so that you get to have an awesome holiday.  In fact, many of our travelers come back again. 

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