
21+ Things To Do Before Going on Holidays

How exciting – you’re going on holidays!  As a travel agent who specialises in luxury tours, particularly for women, I know that preparation is paramount.  Being organised and having everything planned makes the trip truly enjoyable.  Here’s 21+ tips of things to do before you depart for your next wonderful vacation. 

  • Ensure you’ve got at least 6 months on your passport.  For that matter, actually have a look and ensure you have your passport and know exactly where it is. 
  • If you’re a lists person, start a list of things to do (this blog might be a super helpful start) as well as things to do – like hair appointments, getting immunisation or special purchases for your adventure away.  Perhaps it’s time for a new pair of bikinis? 
  • Organise any visas or immunisation that you need.  Remember that different countries have regulations around COVID-19 vaccinations, however that’s where using Luxury Women’s Tours makes your life much easier.  We determine what the destination requirements are and communicate that to our valued clients.  
  • Take our travel insurance.  These days it’s an absolute must and remember it’s not just about covering you if anything happens whilst you’re away, a good policy will also cover you for cancellations.  At Luxury Women’s Tours, we have access to great travel insurance; just ask when making your booking; we’d be happy to organise this for you. 
  • If you have pets or animals (or plants that you want to be cared for) then make sure you’ve organised someone to handle that. 
  • If you’re away for a week or more, get a friend to clear your mail, remove any newspapers, bring bins in and generally ensure the place doesn’t look like you are away.  If you’re expecting parcels, then especially have a friend drop in a little more often.  On that note, if it’s your own home, ensure the lawns get mowed just before you go and where appropriate cancel services.  
  • Talk to your electrician; there are lots of options with lights and automation; having the lights come on at dusk and go off about 10pm or so, makes it look like someone is home.   
  • Unless you have someone staying at your place, then turn off your water.  Flexi hoses have a way of going just when you’re away and returning to flooded floors or carpet isn’t pleasant. 
  • Sort out your money.  Whilst larger shops, resorts and major hotels will accept credit or debit cards, you will likely need some small currency for incidentals, tips, small buys and local stalls.  Organise your currency before you go so it’s done and ready and you can just go straight into holiday mode upon arrival.  
  • Many banks prefer you alert them before you travel so they don’t flag (and freeze) your credit cards due to ‘unusual expenditure’.  Another tip is to have two cards with you (from different banks) so that if one gets cancelled or has problems, you have your plan B – especially if your trip is longer. 
  • If you take medication; ensure you’ve enough for the trip, plus ensure you’ve got a script with you.  If you need more, or just to prove to customs it’s legal prescription medication.  Never pack any important medication in your check-in luggage; have in your carry on.   
  • Begin packing early.  I like having my suitcase on the floor a few weeks before and as I wash things I want to take, then I pack them.  Rolling items means it’s less likely to crush or crease.  Another thing which can be super handy is packing cubes.  You can get these from Kmart or Big W and they are great for keeping things organised.  You can have one for underwear, another for swimwear, another for tops and another for bottoms.  These make it super easy to find things and keep everything in your bag tidy.  Even if you’re going somewhere lovely and warm like Bora Bora or Hawaii, you’ll still need some warmer items for the plane trip.  Don’t forget your eye mask and ear plugs for the plane if either direction is a night flight.  Remember that neutral colours and mixing and matching means you can make up several different looks.  A coloured scarf (which takes no space at all) can add a touch of glamour and create a new look.  You may like to avoid white as it tends to be an item to only wear once before it needs laundering.  Remember to pack items into your shoes too as to make the most of space.
  • Check your luggage allowance.  Personally, if I have any ‘heavy clothes’ (like jeans or boots) I tend to wear them on the plane and save my allowance for the lighter items.  A great way to weigh your suitcase at home is weigh yourself without the bag, then with the bag and subtract the difference in weight.  Having travel size items for shampoo or sunscreen mean you’re taking only what you need, and not a huge heavy bottle that you’ll only partially use. 
  • For your carry on, take your valuables, phone chargers, medication, passport, flight needs and one set of clothes in an emergency, especially a spare top and spare underwear. 
  • Leave your expensive jewellery at home, secured away. 
  • If you’re not on a guided tour, then pre book important aspects, such as accommodation, car hire, transfers or special tours, so as to avoid disappointment.  However, take care with overseas online sites; not all are genuine. 
  • Contact your mobile phone carrier about coverage whilst you’re away.  Find out what the best package is for your time away so as to avoid not having a phone, or worse being hit for huge fees because you’re not on the right plan or package. 
  • Speaking of phones, don’t forget headphones and chargers and if you will need a different power adaptor for your location.   Even if you’re a frequent traveller and have them all, be sure to find and pack the right one.     
  • Remember also to add contact details to your phone; such as your travel agent, emergency contacts etc.  You may also want to have a copy of your passport saved on your phone as well as your travel documents. 
  • Book in any personal grooming activities a few days prior to departure; bikini wax, spray tan, nails, pedicure, hair cut or colour so that when you go you look and feel amazing!     
  • Check things upcoming; perhaps a friend or family member’s birthday whilst you’re away, or perhaps you’ve got some bills to pay before you go. 
  • And one extra tip:  Be safety conscious.  It’s fantastic to share with all your Facebook or Insta friends that you’re at the airport about to head off on an amazing trip, however, remember that if people know where you live, you might instead consider posting on your way home, showing all the wonderful pics from your awesome holiday as you’re almost back home. 

If you’re travelling with Luxury Women’s Tours there is no need to reconfirm things; that’s what we do, plus we’re here to guide you all along the way.  With us, your biggest pre prep need (once your booking is made) is just to go shopping or book your beauty therapist.  We are all about making your trip enjoyable, doing all the planning needed and ensuring you have a safe and fun trip away. 

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