
15 Amazing Things To Do in Bora Bora 

It’s no wonder that Bora Bora is a travel destination that is on many people’s bucket lists.  This gorgeous island, which is only 10 kms long is northwest of Tahiti and part of the French Polynesian string of islands in the South Pacific is a must-go location as a travel destination.  Mix together amazing views with luxury and comfort, warm weather and sun-drenched beaches and you’re set for an amazing holiday.  Bar the few months between November and February, Bora Bora has beautiful warm weather and boasts many things to do.  

Here are 15 fantastic activities you can do in Bora Bora:

1. Take that special someone for a romantic get-away.  Forget the distractions of everyday life and just take some time out with each other to reconnect (or perhaps build that initial connection) and get to know each other better.  You can go past the luxury private bungalows which are on stilts above the water.  Thatched roofs, luxury and relaxed ambiance blend to create an experience you’ll be talking about for years.  

2. Check out all to be seen via bike or scooter.  Bora Bora is a safe place to ride and experience all that can be seen there.  Explore the island’s inner sections, meet the locals who are very friendly.  Whilst French and Tahitian are the main languages, many of the locals also speak English especially in the resorts and hotels.  Remember, the island runs on a ‘Tahitian clock’; everything operates at a relaxed holiday pace.  But then, you’re on holidays – would you want anything else? 

3. Part of the interior includes the extinct volcano in the centre which has a lush jungle that fans out from it.  Experience and see the local plant life, flowers and you’ll likely spot some of the birdlife as well.  Bora Bora has Mount Otemanu and the twin-peaked Mount Pahia.  The jungle then takes you to the water edge of a beautiful lagoon that features this coral reef surrounded island.  

4. Yes!  There is shopping at Bora Bora.  Collect local art, jewelry or clothing or a special souvenir of your travels.  Many of the pieces are made of local materials, boast an array of pretty colours.  Browse and find something special you will be delighted to take home.  The local currency is the pacific franc and the main hotels will accept also US dollars or credit cards or debit cards.   Smaller stalls prefer cash.  If you take currency with you, you can shop around for the best exchange rate before you go and not need to think about any of that whilst on your holiday.  One Aussie dollar is roughly 82 pacific francs.  

5. Visit the Paroisse Saint Pierre Celestin Church which will show you some of the culture of the Tahitian people.  This Catholic church often has melodic music playing, lovely stained-glass windows, interesting architecture in a harmonious and peaceful setting.

6. Snorkeling is a must on this beautifully sundrenched island.  The blue, green and turquoise coloured water, the clear blue skies and warm balmy water make water activities a sheer pleasure.  The water is so crystal clear you can see the colourful fishes you are swimming with and if you’re lucky, you might even find yourself swimming with sea turtles.  There is so much marine life in these beautiful warm waters – you’ll be constantly amazed and impressed by what you see.  

7. Soak in the luxury and ambiance with a visit to one of the spas on the island.  Whether it’s a massage (or two, or more), a facial, pedi or something else; there is something for everyone who wants to take their relaxation to the next level.

8. For the more adventurous, you can take a jeep safari through the interior of the island and more mountainous areas, swim with sharks or even hand-feed very people-friendly sting rays.

9. Take a lagoon cruise which often includes a scrumptious lunch and see this gorgeous island from a slightly different perspective.  Take a cruise to one of the other surrounding islands also; they are all gorgeous.

10. Water activities abound.  You can learn kite surfing; try out a stand-up paddle board or kayak around the island.  Well, perhaps not all the way around … but you can certainly get some strokes in.  Some resorts provide these to their guests, but if not, don’t worry – they are often available for hire.  You can also try out wakeboarding or simply walk along the warm white sand alongside the water’s edge.  Keep your eyes open; you might even spot a unique shell.  

11. Of course; you cannot go past swimming at Bora Bora.  Whether it’s just floating and bobbing in the water, or doing some serious strokes, the water is warm and inviting.  Perhaps you’ll even just sit on the white sand at the water’s edge and immerse yourself in the relaxed mood which is Bora Bora.  If you’re travelling with someone, then it’s a great time to chill, chat and get to know that person even better.  Absolutely beats a coffee in a shopping centre at home.

12. Bring your camera and capture the glorious vista – it doesn’t matter if you’re a camera buff or just like using your smart phone; these amazing shots will keep the memories lasting for years to come.  If you’ve an artistic flare, even save a special shot to paint later on.

13. Perhaps even splurge a little and take a helicopter ride around the islands; you’ll see things from a completely different angle, whilst being in absolute comfort.  Just be sure to talk to your travel agent in advance if you are wanting to do something special like this, so it can be pre-booked for you. 

14. At the end of the day enjoy a couple of cocktails and take in a spectacular sunset.  If you think the colours are glorious during the day, sunsets (and sunrises) are just as spectacular.  Once the sun goes down, partake of delicious food; whether it’s local fruits, seafood or something else; there are many food choices to select.  Visit the local bar or perhaps even sit outside and watch the stars; there is so much to do.  Alternatively, you might just want to retire early, so you can get up early and experience a beautiful sunrise and make the most of another beautiful day.  

15. Or, do absolutely nothing.  Take a good book, a hat and sit by the water and just immerse yourself in the sunshine and beauty of the island.  Work on your tan, close your eyes (if you can dare to not be looking at the beautiful colours of the water) and just do nothing.  An amazing destination to simply relax, unwind, recharge your batteries and escape for a while.  

As you can see, there are quite a few things to do in beautiful Bora Bora and remember you can mix it up; some days totally relaxed and other days out exploring, getting some exercise and seeing what this beautiful island has to offer. 

Check out our next scheduled visit to the wonderful luxury island escape by clicking HERE and treat yourself; you’re worth it.  At Luxury Women’s Tours; we take care of everything; we keep our ladies safe and we put together packages that are just divine. 

If you have any questions, feel free to give me a call on 0401 293 235 – we’re happy to answer your questions and help you get started with your next fantastic holiday.  Go on – what’s stopping you?

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